Agile vs Waterfall: which approach is best for your project?

In a world of complex projects and ever-changing business environments, choosing the right management approach can be the watershed between success and failure. This article will delve into the fundamental differences between Agile and Waterfall, two popular methodologies that can shape the outcome of your digital products.


First of all, a crucial point that differentiates these two approaches is planning. In Agile, we have incremental planning, i.e. flexible and carried out little by little. Imagine a soccer match where the strategy is adapted in real time, according to the performance of the opposing team. The Agile team, like footballers, doesn't need (nor is it possible) to have every move planned out from the start. Instead, it adapts and adjusts as the project progresses.

Waterfall, on the other hand, takes a completely different approach, with all the planning done in advance during the initial stages. In comparison, imagine a classical music concert. Each movement is meticulously planned and rehearsed until everyone knows exactly what to do and when to do it. Just like the orchestra, the Waterfall project has a detailed plan and follows it rigorously.


The second point that distinguishes Agile from Waterfall is execution. In Agile, execution is carried out in small cycles or iterations, providing incremental and continuous results. Like a television series, each episode (or Sprint) offers value to the audience and contributes to the overall storyline. In Waterfall, on the other hand, delivery is done all at once, at the end of the project. Just like in a movie, the audience has to wait until the end of the production to see the final result.

The team

Finally, the makeup of the team also differs significantly between the two approaches. In Agile, the team is generally cross-functional, with all the members needed to perform various roles. It's like a team in which you have players with different skills who are able to defend and attack as necessary. In Waterfall, on the other hand, the team is organized in a more specialized way due to the nature of the execution in sequential stages. As in a relay race in which a baton is passed, first the planning experts do their work, then it's the turn of the developers, who hand over the work to the testers, until the final line which is the end of the project.

Which approach to choose?

Now, after evaluating the key aspects of Agile and Waterfall, the question arises: is there a "best" approach? Or could the truth be hidden in the duality, where the ideal choice varies according to the context?

Agile is often the ideal choice when project requirements are not entirely clear or when frequent changes are expected. This is especially true in software development, where user needs can evolve over time and available technology also changes rapidly.

Projects in which the rapid delivery of functionalities is a priority also benefit from the Agile approach. With its short work cycles, Agile makes it possible to deliver regular increments of value, gathering continuous feedback from users or stakeholders and adapting accordingly.

Furthermore, in environments of great uncertainty or volatility, where it is difficult to predict the future with precision, Agile offers the flexibility needed to navigate and respond effectively to these uncertainties. Techniques such as experiments and rapid validation can be used to guide the next step.

On the other hand, Waterfall is generally suitable for projects with well-defined and stable requirements, where the possibility of change is low. IT infrastructure, construction and manufacturing projects often fall into this category.

Waterfall is also generally the preferred choice in highly regulated environments where strict compliance with standards and protocols is crucial. As Waterfall requires detailed planning at the outset and extensive documentation throughout the project, it is easier to demonstrate compliance with these regulations.


In conclusion, the choice between Agile and Waterfall depends on the context. It is important to understand the characteristics of the project and the environment before choosing the most appropriate approach. Agile was created as an alternative, because there was only one option and that was to use Waterfall for every type of problem. With an open mind, we can now choose between both approaches, adapting them to the needs of our project. After all, to create solutions the "one size fits all" approach rarely applies. Think about it.

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